Local Asheville Artists, Bio and Gallery

Monday, December 21, 2009

The winner is.......

The winner of the diamond tennis bracelt is Rebecca Lasher. Her husband picked the bracelet up and they both seemed very excited.

Thanks to all who participated!

1 comment:

  1. Yes, Asheville, there is a Santa Claus!! We are so fortunate to have a jeweler as generous as Chris Van Dyke in our fair town. He has made Christmas at my house the best ever for me. I want to encourage all of you who support Chris to continue to do so, he makes all of the "box" jewelry stores in our malls seem so impersonal. I am grateful for a jeweler who really cares about his customers and wants to do the right thing, not just make big profits! So, as Van Dyke Goldsmithing makes a bold new move in 2010, let's make this fresh adventure a success for Chris. Happy holidays to all...Rebecca Lasher
